Today is not my day :(
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." I heard this quote in the movie Robin Hood recently. It means "never give up" or it can also be translated to "keep on pushing until the impossible happens" (by Faith). In the movie, overthrowing the government of England is regarded as an impossible task and Russell Crow uses this quote to encourage his band and himself. For me, be focus and keep pushing the boundary of my research area is the most important thing right now. It seems easier, right! I don't think it is impossible if I try harder. So, never give up, no excuse, and no regret.
今天所際盃比賽失誤不少,回家收信又發現投稿 infocom 的論文被拒,身心俱疲。雖然說 infocom 是 tier 1 的 conference,但是總是還是會有那麼一點點期待,期待自己努力了將近一年的研究成果能夠被接受。大部分的 reviews' comments 都是自己原本就知道自己做不好的地方 (提出的方法不夠有彈性),被挑剔是必然的,但這種苟且的態度似乎不是做學問的好方法,更諷刺的是我居然還對它有所期待。最近朋友問到類似「什麼時候你覺得最自在」的問題,我幾乎沒有猶豫的就回答「打球時」。雖然問題問得其實是「人與人的相處」,但我想每當研究遇到瓶頸,能夠暫時拋開煩惱跟三五好友在球場上廝殺真是現在莫大的幸福了,難怪我會覺得打球時的我是最自在的,因為它單純。對於研究,其實也覺得自己有慢慢在進步,但似乎是到了該上緊發條的時候了。把研究看得單純點,卻更認真點吧!加油!
Lamb - Gabriel
- Nov 20 Sat 2010 22:15